ANY Dog Can Learn New Tricks On ACT! v17

dog tricks
Whether you’ve been using ACT! for years or are fresh in the game, there is always something new to learn. Now that you’ve upgraded to ACT! v17, you’ll need to make sure everyone on your team receives the proper training. Even a beginner can figure out the basics, but often times there are some fields that are commonly overlooked because they seem unimportant. Additionally you should...

Using Act Software to help bring Thanksgiving into the workplace

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On Thanksgiving, we take pause to appreciate what we have and to celebrate with family and friends. Numerous customers and even vendors impart the feeling of Thanksgiving within your company and your Act software makes it easy to thank them. As we begin to anticipate the new year, it’s the perfect time to think about what we are appreciative for. It’s also a chance to acknowledge customers...

Marketing Software You Can’t Live Without: ACT! v17

The holiday season is quickly approaching. Your events calendar is filling up twice as fast. Between the marketing meetings and researching your target market for segmenting, you barely have time to breathe. The note you wrote yourself about the lunch meeting with a long-time customer was accidentally thrown away and it completely slipped your mind to send those follow-up emails to all the prospects...

Use ACT Emarketing to Update Your Database

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Free Webinar – Sign Up Now! You’re Probably Already Using ACT E-Marketing Act E-marketing gives you the tools to create beautiful email templates, and send them directly from your ACT database to your contacts, lookups, groups and companies. In addition to a number of reports the actual campaign results (opt-outs, bounces, number of clicks, erroneous addresses) are written back into ACT...

Why Cheaper is Not Necessarily Better When It Comes to an Act! Consultant

The major focus of my business comes from being an Act! consultant.  With all due modesty, I am great at what I do. I often come up with the perfect solution to a client’s problem in an extremely timely fashion.  I did not garner my CRM knowledge through osmosis; I spend quite a bit of my time keeping up to date with technology other than just Act!.   Today’s reliance on the Internet has...

Act! Software is Magical

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The Contact field can prove to be surprisingly confusing for both new and old Act! users alike.  Although the field seems very straightforward at first glance, it contains a bit of “magical Act! functionality” that can prove to be either a help or a hindrance. Let’s start with the Salutation field.  I often ask Act! users what a salutation is and I receive answers such as “Dear” “Mr.”...

Confusing Act! Software Fields and Layouts

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One of my favorite Christmas carols is a parody called “The Bathroom Door Said Gentleman”  (sung to the tune of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman.”  During the course of the song we find out what happens when an unsuspecting male accidentally wonders into the Ladies Room because the signs had been reversed.  I laugh every time I hear the song:  and I think of Act!. Although Act! doesn’t...

So Why Exactly Should My Company Invest in CRM?

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Implementing a CRM solution can be a daunting – and expensive – proposition.  Many organizations are already using tools including Outlook and Excel spreadsheets and can’t justify the expense involved in transitioning to a true CRM solution.  As a CRM consultant advise prospective CRM users to “keep their eye on the prize” and remember the true benefit of a good CRM installation:  greater...

ACT 2014 Road Show

act 2014 upgrade
I am excited to be hosting the Fort Lauderdale ACT 2014 Road Show at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale on Wednesday, August 14th from 8 – 10 AM.  The event is free and open to the public but prior registration is required. The event kicks off at 8 AM in the auditorium of the Carl DeSantis Building with a complimentary continental breakfast. My presentation will start with a demo...

Adding Holidays to ACT Calendars

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Every year many of my clients ask me if there is a way to get holidays loaded into their ACT! database.  Unfortunately, holidays do not come pre-loaded in the ACT! calendar.  Obviously, some holidays such as the Fourth of July and Christmas are easy to add manually.  However, other holidays such as Easter and Chanukah are almost impossible to add without at least a peak at another calendar.  I’ve...