Act! EMarketing Holiday Workshop

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‘Tis the season to be jolly – at least if you are using Act! E-marketing to send out holiday greetings! I recently held a webinar and to show you how to send out a great looking holiday message in 5 easy steps. Act! E-Marketing is the new and improved way to send mass e-mail directly from your Act! database. You’ll be able to track who has been naughty or nice – at least when it comes to...

Act and Windows 10

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I have had numerous calls and emails from Act! users over the course of the last month asking me if Act! will work with Windows 10. I’ve also had a number of calls from users who have updated to Windows 10 with various outcomes. My advice? If you are using Act! v16 or older I would not recommend upgrading to Windows 10 unless you also upgrade your version of Act!. Swiftpage plans to release a hotfix...

Working with Custom Act Tables

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Many Act! software users get confused with the distinction between Act! fields and Act! tables. In Act!, a field is a single piece of information such as a zip code, e-mail address or phone number. A table is a set of records. For example, Act!’s Contact table allows you to add multiple contacts to Act!, and Act!’s Notes table allows you to add multiple notes to a single contact. Many new (and...

Card Scanners with Act

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It seems like questions from Act users come in waves.  Last week I received two very similar questions. “Karen, I contacted Card Scan to try and get the updated software so my CardScan would work on Actv16 but I’m told they don’t support it and didn’t look like they were moving in that direction.  Do you have any insight to that? If true, could you recommend a card scanner that would...

I Need to Convert My Act! 5.0 Database

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I had someone call me last week who was enraged that Act! Support was not able to help them convert their Act! 5 database (circa 1999) to the latest version, Act! v17.    Another customer couldn’t understand why Swiftpage wasn’t willing to convert their 1997 Maximizer database to Act.  The customers felt that this service should be provided “free of charge.” I like to compare software...

Act! v17.1 Update Released

For all of you who are currently using Act! v17 – or thinking of moving to v17 I have great news:  Act! v17.1 is due to be released on Wednesday, February 25th.  This update is free to all users of Act! 17.  New features include: Act! v17.1 Call List Improvements You’ll notice an expanded Call List tool bar that includes the option to: Select and create Lookups from the entire Call List or...

Act! v17 Commonly Overlooked Features

I had a great conversation with a new prospect the other day.  He was using a fairly old version of Act! (Act! 2008) and knew he needed a change. “Karen,” he lamented, “we might as well be using a Rolodex and a wall calendar.  I know there is so much more that we could be doing.” Steve, you are not alone!  I hear the same comment time and time again, “Karen, I’m only using 10% of Act!’s...

Using Act! CRM to Boost Your Sales

A recent survey conducted by the American Research Group, Inc. showed that Americans were planning on spending an average of $861 on gifts for the 2014 holiday season. This number has increased by 8% compared to the 2013 holiday season and experts agree on the fact the online shopping will continue growing. And according to a survey from, 75% of Americans have made an impulse buy during...

ANY Dog Can Learn New Tricks On ACT! v17

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Whether you’ve been using ACT! for years or are fresh in the game, there is always something new to learn. Now that you’ve upgraded to ACT! v17, you’ll need to make sure everyone on your team receives the proper training. Even a beginner can figure out the basics, but often times there are some fields that are commonly overlooked because they seem unimportant. Additionally you should...

Using Act Software to help bring Thanksgiving into the workplace

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On Thanksgiving, we take pause to appreciate what we have and to celebrate with family and friends. Numerous customers and even vendors impart the feeling of Thanksgiving within your company and your Act software makes it easy to thank them. As we begin to anticipate the new year, it’s the perfect time to think about what we are appreciative for. It’s also a chance to acknowledge customers...