Card Scanners with Act

card scanner
It seems like questions from Act users come in waves.  Last week I received two very similar questions. “Karen, I contacted Card Scan to try and get the updated software so my CardScan would work on Actv16 but I’m told they don’t support it and didn’t look like they were moving in that direction.  Do you have any insight to that? If true, could you recommend a card scanner that would...

Act! v17 Commonly Overlooked Features

I had a great conversation with a new prospect the other day.  He was using a fairly old version of Act! (Act! 2008) and knew he needed a change. “Karen,” he lamented, “we might as well be using a Rolodex and a wall calendar.  I know there is so much more that we could be doing.” Steve, you are not alone!  I hear the same comment time and time again, “Karen, I’m only using 10% of Act!’s...

ANY Dog Can Learn New Tricks On ACT! v17

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Whether you’ve been using ACT! for years or are fresh in the game, there is always something new to learn. Now that you’ve upgraded to ACT! v17, you’ll need to make sure everyone on your team receives the proper training. Even a beginner can figure out the basics, but often times there are some fields that are commonly overlooked because they seem unimportant. Additionally you should...

Use ACT Emarketing to Update Your Database

recorded webinars
Free Webinar – Sign Up Now! You’re Probably Already Using ACT E-Marketing Act E-marketing gives you the tools to create beautiful email templates, and send them directly from your ACT database to your contacts, lookups, groups and companies. In addition to a number of reports the actual campaign results (opt-outs, bounces, number of clicks, erroneous addresses) are written back into ACT...

Act! Software is Magical

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The Contact field can prove to be surprisingly confusing for both new and old Act! users alike.  Although the field seems very straightforward at first glance, it contains a bit of “magical Act! functionality” that can prove to be either a help or a hindrance. Let’s start with the Salutation field.  I often ask Act! users what a salutation is and I receive answers such as “Dear” “Mr.”...

So Why Exactly Should My Company Invest in CRM?

act crm
Implementing a CRM solution can be a daunting – and expensive – proposition.  Many organizations are already using tools including Outlook and Excel spreadsheets and can’t justify the expense involved in transitioning to a true CRM solution.  As a CRM consultant advise prospective CRM users to “keep their eye on the prize” and remember the true benefit of a good CRM installation:  greater...

Filling the holes of your Act! Database

act software support
As most of you know the “C” in CRM stands for Contacts and that’s the focus of these clean-up tips. I see a lot of databases in a variety of formats (Act!, SugarCRM, Salesforce, Zoho) and I’ve made one assumption:  the typical database consists of 25% “dead wood.”  I define dead wood as: Contacts that are missing pertinent or accurate pieces of information including phone numbers and/or...