Card Scanners with Act

card scanner
It seems like questions from Act users come in waves.  Last week I received two very similar questions. “Karen, I contacted Card Scan to try and get the updated software so my CardScan would work on Actv16 but I’m told they don’t support it and didn’t look like they were moving in that direction.  Do you have any insight to that? If true, could you recommend a card scanner that would...

ACT CRM 16 Virtual Road Show

act 16
I am excited to have hosted a Virtual ACT CRM 16 Road Show on Wednesday, September 11 .  My presentation started with a demo of ACT CRM 16 . If you missed the webinar you can access here:   access the webinar. l am offering great pricing which will is significantly lower than the advertised Swiftpage pricing. The second half of my presentation consists of a presentation of steps you need to take...