Act! and the Surface Pro

act and surface pro
When I purchased my new all in one tablet last year I thought I was going to purchase the Microsoft Surface Pro. However, I decided on the Lenovo Yoga 900 because the comparable Surface Pro model was much more expensive and there was a wait time of nearly 6 weeks. I’ve been really happy with my Yoga. I had no problem setting it up or installing software on it. And, being both a Florida Gator and...

Act v18 is Here!

We’re really excited about this version of Act! because it adds  new features designed to make you more productive in less time.  But don’t just take our word for it – see it yourself!  Go to my You Tube Channel for video demonstrations on all the features. Click Here to Purchase Act! v18 at a Discount! Act is available in a number of versions: Act v18 Pro:  for single users or small...

Act! EMarketing Holiday Workshop

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‘Tis the season to be jolly – at least if you are using Act! E-marketing to send out holiday greetings! I recently held a webinar and to show you how to send out a great looking holiday message in 5 easy steps. Act! E-Marketing is the new and improved way to send mass e-mail directly from your Act! database. You’ll be able to track who has been naughty or nice – at least when it comes to...

Act and Windows 10

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I have had numerous calls and emails from Act! users over the course of the last month asking me if Act! will work with Windows 10. I’ve also had a number of calls from users who have updated to Windows 10 with various outcomes. My advice? If you are using Act! v16 or older I would not recommend upgrading to Windows 10 unless you also upgrade your version of Act!. Swiftpage plans to release a hotfix...

Free Sources of Act Training

act training
Some of us love Act because it has a very friendly and easy interface.  Some of us love Act because it has so much functionality.  And some of us would love to know the fastest way to become an Act Power User! Free Act Training Who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch?  There are actually several  free ways to learn more about Act: Look at the Playlists on my YouTube Channel. Go to the...

Working with Custom Act Tables

custom table
Many Act! software users get confused with the distinction between Act! fields and Act! tables. In Act!, a field is a single piece of information such as a zip code, e-mail address or phone number. A table is a set of records. For example, Act!’s Contact table allows you to add multiple contacts to Act!, and Act!’s Notes table allows you to add multiple notes to a single contact. Many new (and...

Act! Premium Moves to Subscription Model

act premium v19
As one of the top Act! resellers, I wanted you to be aware of this news: Starting on May 15, 2015 Act! Premium moved to a Subscription platform. Starting then, you will have two options for purchasing Act! Premium software: Pay an Annual Subscription that you will need to renew annually. If you don’t renew your software will “go away” when your subscription runs out. Pay twice as much for a...

Card Scanners with Act

card scanner
It seems like questions from Act users come in waves.  Last week I received two very similar questions. “Karen, I contacted Card Scan to try and get the updated software so my CardScan would work on Actv16 but I’m told they don’t support it and didn’t look like they were moving in that direction.  Do you have any insight to that? If true, could you recommend a card scanner that would...

Optimize Act! E-Marketing Blasts with a Few Simple Tips

swift page emarketing
When I work with Act users with either Swiftpage E-Marketing or Act E-Marketing I like to point out that there are two separate but equal processes: Composing and sending an e-blast Reporting on the results If you are sending an E-mail blast in Act to more than 50 contacts I strongly recommend that you use an ESP (email service provider) so that you can measure your result.  Using either Swiftpage...

I Need to Convert My Act! 5.0 Database

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I had someone call me last week who was enraged that Act! Support was not able to help them convert their Act! 5 database (circa 1999) to the latest version, Act! v17.    Another customer couldn’t understand why Swiftpage wasn’t willing to convert their 1997 Maximizer database to Act.  The customers felt that this service should be provided “free of charge.” I like to compare software...